
11 July 2022

Beginner's Corner: Scrap Clay

In this edition of the pcPolyzine Beginner's Corner, we'll share some tips and tricks for using leftover and scrap polymer clay!

If you work with polymer clay, I'm sure someone has said to you (at least once) "don't throw away your scraps". Here are some ways to incorporate those raw scraps into other pieces to create amazing art!
Molds & Texture Sheets: When you've combined enough pieces of scrap clay, you probably end up with an ugly gray or brown color. Don't worry, this clay is perfect for making your own molds or texture sheetscolor doesn't matter here!
New Technique Experimentation: What better way to learn and perfect a new technique than to use old, scrap clay! This allows you to work out the bugs in the technique as well as helping to not waste "good" clay.
Base Clay: There are many techniques and instances when you'll use a base piece of clay that will not show in the end product. Using your scrap clay as a base is a great opportunity!
Veneers: Did you recently make a piece of jewelry using Mokume Gane? Don't throw those top slices away! These make great veneers to cover other scrap clay. You can easily make beads and other pieces just by placing these scrap pieces over other clay in various arrangements.
New Colors: Instead of mixing all your scrap clay together to get that gray or brown color, mix colors together that will create new and unique colors to set your polymer clay work off!

Have other great ideas, tips, or tricks? Share them with us through email or through social media on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter!

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