The August edition of pcPolyzine features polymer clay artist, Lynn Feemster!
We wanted to learn more about Lynn and here's what she shared with us:
pcPolyzine: How did you get into polymer clay?
Lynn: I started working with polymer clay after watching a tutorial by Alison Merit. Prior to that, I was making Dichroic glass jewelry. But, when I saw how the clay could be manipulated so easily and maintain its vibrant colors, I was so intrigued. That's where my journey began.
pcPolyzine: How long have you been working with polymer clay?
Lynn: I have been working with polymer clay for about 3 or 4 years now.
pcPolyzine: What inspires you to create pieces in polymer clay?
Lynn: I love bright, vivid colors, so I mostly use them in my polymer clay jewelry. It may surprise some, but I get my inspiration from brightly colored cloth. Sometimes I go to a fabric store just to browse the brightly colored cloth and ideas come to me. I start creating before I even leave the store!
pcPolyzine: What's your favorite piece or project you've made in polymer clay?
Lynn: I also love working with foils as well as copper and silver metal powders. One of my most favorite pendants I made was using translucent clay, bright red clay, and copper metal powder.
pcPolyzine: What are your favorite (or most important) tools you use when working with clay?
Lynn: I would have to say my favorite tool is, of course, the cutting blade. Using the blade to cut clay is elementary, but even in the absence of stylist shape cutters, you can manipulate the blade, which can be used to create all kinds of shapes.
I also finish/seal most of my polymer clay jewelry with resin. Resin really makes vibrant colors pop and makes your piece more durable.
pcPolyzine: Do you have any advice for new artists to polymer clay?
Lynn: My advice for anyone who wants to learn how to work with polymer clay is to watch some tutorials before you get started. There are so many talented polymer clay artists who love to share their craft.
pcPolyzine: Any final thoughts for our readers?
Lynn: My future plans are to become more proficient in making canes. I'm not there yet, but I'm diligently working on it!
Lynn: My future plans are to become more proficient in making canes. I'm not there yet, but I'm diligently working on it!
pcPolyzine: Lynn, your jewelry is vibrant and energetic. We are excited to share your work with the pcPolyzine community. Thank you for taking time to share with us!
To connect with Lynn and see more of her work, check her out on Facebook and Instagram (@pollysclaycreations).

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